Seller's Guide

If you are having difficulty

your Italian
vacation home

in the worst real estate market in a generation...

If you are having difficulty

your Italian
vacation home

in the most depressed real estate market in a generation...

If you are having difficulty

your Italian
vacation home

in the most depressed real estate market in a generation...

If you are having difficulty

your Italian
vacation home

in the most depressed real estate market in a generation...

If you are having difficulty

your Italian
vacation home

in the most depressed real estate market in a generation...

If you are having difficulty

your Italian
vacation home

in the most depressed real estate market in a generation...

FRACTIONAL OWNERSHIP your best marketing strategy.
YOU'VE OWNED your much-loved Italian vacation home for years. It's been a refuge from the real world and the focus of your family's unforgettable adventures in bella Italia. Now, reluctantly, you've decided to sell it, but you've discovered it isn't that easy. In fact, with thousands of vacation properties for sale in central Italy alone, it's nearly impossible.

IT'S NO SECRET that most of the world has been in a serious recession for years, and the Italian real estate market is now as bad as it's been in a generation. You'd think it would be a buyer's market, but buyers are feeling the pinch, too. And the market has changed. Even if they can afford it, many foreign buyers no longer want to own a vacation home in another country because they will be able to use it for part only of the year and yet the costs of maintenance and the hassles of management are constant.  

THE SOLUTION?  FRACTIONAL OWNERSHIP!  Ventura Verde's unique fractional ownership strategy enables you to sell your Italian home to 10 owners instead of just one - and at a higher price than you would be able to sell to a single buyer! Fractional ownership makes an Italian vacation home affordable to many foreign buyers who could only dream before. Moreover, the buyer only needs to purchase as much of the property as he can use, and the costs of maintenance are shared with the other owners. Even the hassles of ownership are eliminated because Ventura Verde takes care of all the property management and maintenance hassles on behalf of the owners.

AND GUESS WHAT? You can even keep part of your beloved vacation home for yourself! When a property is sold the normal way, it is all or nothing. But fractional ownership lets you keep 10%, 20% or even 50% of your Italian home so that you and your family can continue to enjoy it for generations. There's no denying that DIVIDE AND CONQUER is the smart way to sell!